San Kai Budo Association
The San Kai Budo Association (SKBA) is an Administrative Management that give official recognition and certification for affiliated branches, sections, clubs, and their members, which is independent of all other Associations. The Board of the SKBA is the founders of the Association and consists of the Chairmen, the Vice Chairmen, and the Administrative Director.
Affiliated branches of the SKBA are autonomous with their own syllabus, education, and rating. The affiliated sections are however connected to follow the policy and recommendations set by the SKBA.
Affiliated Branches
San Kai Do – Allround Fighting
The SKD – Allround Fighting is a fighting system that consists of effective attack- and counterattack combinations with quick finish off. The system also has grappling combinations that starts from a standing position and finishes with a short grappling drill on the floor, the grappling combinations will increase the knowledge of takedowns and speed up the learning on the ground.
Affiliated instructors have access to a technique book that consists off all techniques from 1st Kyu to 3rd Dan. They also have access to instructional film clips of all combinations and drills of the system on our website.
The San Kai Do – Allround Fighting is a modern martial art system that consist of techniques, 2 attack combinations, 2 counterattack combinations and 2 grappling combinations on every grade. The system has instructor educations and for those instructors that meet up to the requirements there are also Renshi grades. (grading officer grades).
Affiliation to the SKBA is open to both commercial and non-profit making branches and clubs that are organized in a businesslike manner.
Clubs wishing to affiliate to the SKBA must practice one of the official branches in the association or apply for establish a new branch.
People without an organization or club who wish to become an individual member to the in the SKBA must apply directly to one of the official branches in the association.
New branches wishing to affiliate to the SKBA must make a written application to the board of SKBA. Clubs wishing to affiliate to some of the already approved branches in the association must make a written application to SKD branch in question or to the National Branch in their country.
The representative of a club or a blackbelt applying for affiliation in a branch must submit the following:
(a) A résumé in English of the club’s senior Instructor’s Budo career and if the instructor is a black belt a copy of the latest black belt certification.
(b) A recommendation from the SKD National Branch Chief where applicable.